Concrete fan tower

Becoming a globally renowned comprehensive service provider for high-rise structural support systems

50MW Jieyuan Shandong Dan County Project

Author:Golden Ocean CorporationViewers:356 Update time:2024-03-09

Project Name: 50MW Jieyuan Shandong Dan County Project

Product: Segmented straight tower fully prestressed steel-concrete tower

Quantity: 15 units

Single unit capacity: 3.0MW

Tower height: 140M

Mixed tower height: 108M

Steel tower height: 32M

Project Overview: The Donggouhe Phase I project in Shan County, Shandong Province is the first wind power project in China with a 140m mixed tower supporting a 3MW wind turbine. The project is planned to have an installed capacity of 50MW. Using 15 Mingyang Intelligent MySE 3.2-145 fans, all using the 140m high mixed tower scheme manufactured by Jinhai Group, the lower concrete section is 108m high, and the upper steel tower section is 32m high.
